Though we may hike during our travels, if you wish to view Gherry's hiking pictures, go to:

Monday, October 11, 2010

Into the Berkshires

The Berkshires bill themselves as America's cultural play ground. Bold statement, but Herman Melville, much to the regret of high school seniors every where, went there to write Moby Dick. Robert Frost and Emily Dickenson were there along with illustrator Norman Rockwell. And if that isn't inspirational enough for you retirees, Grandma Moses became famous as a painter after starting to paint at age 78. But we just found them  beautiful.  At least in the fall.  Seattle gets six months of rain.  Vermont seems to get six months of snow, though it is sunny a lot of those days. On our drive we went for a hike at Napgood Pond.


Photo's of Napgood Pond

We stopped at a Shaker village.  The Shakers believed in total celibacy, which makes it difficult to raise your children in the faith.  It is also a birth control method that hasn't proved to be wildly successful with teenagers.They relied in converts which dropped of dramatically once they were no longer allowed to run orphanages.  They used all of that pent up energy to do some beautiful hand crafts.


They did a lot of weaving.  Of course there was the usual wool, but they grew flax to make linen and they even raised silk worms.


The farms were very intelligently laid out. The circular stone building is the barn.


The cows are on a circular platform around the barn, the hay is stored in the middle.  Every five feet is a trap door to shovel cow manure down into composting pits.  All very clean and efficient.

Shaker Farm Photos


  1. When you are not raising kids or having --- you have time to do some other things. This farm is beautiful. Did the animals get to have babies, and if so how do you explain humans not being able to have kids?

  2. The animals are apparently never going to make it to heaven, so if you want to see your favorite pet in the after life, have it neutered early.I'll let you decide to do about your husband and children
