Though we may hike during our travels, if you wish to view Gherry's hiking pictures, go to:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Actually, we are staying in Cambridge, just across the Charles River from Boston.  We are in a lovely B&B built into an old fire house located at the edge of the MIT campus.  Across the street is the college book store with an entire table of books with Math Jokes for Engineers.

We went into Boston and followed the Freedom Trail. It is around Boston Commons


We saw Granary burying ground where John Hancock and Paul Revere are buried. A burying ground is different from a cemetery in that it is not connected with a church and is not hollowed ground.  The Puritans did not care about dead bodies.  They were worried about souls.


This is Paul Revere's foot stone.  In days of old the grave was marked with a head stone and a foot stone.  His head stone, made of slate and the most popular theory is that it was used as the bottom part of a brick Pizza Oven. People throw pennies because he was a metal worker. BTW, grave markers were not put in straight lines until after the lawn mower was invented in the 30's. So when you go into an old cemetery with the grave stones in straight lines, the grave stones are likely not over the bodies.


The old south meeting house where the Sons of Liberty left after a meeting and dumped the tea into Boston harbor.


Freedom Traila

Pictures from Freedom Trail

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