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Monday, October 4, 2010

Independence Hall

We got up in the morning and headed to independence hall.  Philadelphia is where they wrote the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, as well as the First ten amendments.  Oh, and congress served there for the first ten years.


It seems like a pretty small room for so many momentous events.  Oh and it had two nice oil paintings of Marie Antoinette and King Louis XVI.


They were strong supporters of the American Revolution, though less supportive of the French Revolution.  They lost their heads even though Marie was willing to give everyone some cake.

And of course there was the liberty Bell and senate chambers.


Even in the late 1700's the senate chamber looked pretty fancy.


But they deserved it.  They managed to put aside their major differences in things like slavery and do what was best for the nation.

Independence Hall

1 comment:

  1. I am impressed! You guys pack so much into your trips. Love the pictures of the rooms where our first lawmakers sat and worked. I think back then the different sides worked together better than they do now. Today we forget that we are all Americans and to work for the best of the country, and not for the best of a small group of constituents. Then the country was smaller and we all needed the same things. It is different today. I would love for us to remember we belong to each other, as Mother Teresa said. You two continue to have a good trip.
