Though we may hike during our travels, if you wish to view Gherry's hiking pictures, go to:

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Santiago oaks


I went out to Santiago Oaks Regional Park, which is located next to the last remaining orange grove in the city of Orange.


While the wild flowers were out in full bloom

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It is probably best known for its variety of 140 different bird species.

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However, they tend to hide in the bushes or come flying over a ridge only to disappear before I can get the camera out.  I did see the Easter bunny

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and his good friend, the pass over lizard.


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And I got to see beneath the skin and view the skeleton of a prickly pear cactus

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It was a nice hike that went a long a creek shaded by oak trees


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and climbed up to some nice vistas along the ridge tops.

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More photos of Santiago Oaks

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