Though we may hike during our travels, if you wish to view Gherry's hiking pictures, go to:

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Peters Canyon


Just ten minutes up the road from my sisters is Peters Canyon, a nice five mile hiking loop complete with a ranger station. I went hiking with my sister’s neighbor and my new hiking friend, Carla.


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As you can see, there were the usual wild flowers, but also some nice cacti that were blooming

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There were the usual up and downs which seems to be a part of all of the hikes in this area

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and some nice thistles.  Nice if you’re careful not to step in them.

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And while we may not be the fastest hikers, we did cover our distance while a snail spent the morning crossing the path. He does seem to be a little confused on the direction and obviously does not have the ten essentials for hiking.

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More photos of Peters Canyon

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