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Thursday, February 4, 2010



Karnak is the temple you think of when and ever you think of Egyptian temples..  The columns in the hypostyle has a forest of 134 columns, each over sixty foot tall. The main sanctuary was dedicated to Amun , a local god of Thebes.  In the new Kingdom, the god became important as it was linked to Re the Sun God.  His ascension to a national deity was greatly aided by the local Theban rulers who united all of Egypt to form the New Kingdom.  It also has temples to Mut, Khonsu, Montu, Ptah, Osiris and several Pharaohs.  One of the great accomplishments of the Egyptian priests was to link all of these local deities into a single consistent theological construct, which allowed everyone to worship their personal god while still supporting the greater overall good. It would be nice if someone would do that in this century.



Karnak is the temple you think of when and if ever you think of Egyptian temples.  The columns in the hypostyle are a forest of 134 columns, each over sixty foot tall. The main sanctuary was dedicated to Amun , a local god of Thebes.  In the new Kingdom, the god became important as it was linked to Re the Sun God.  His ascension to a national deity was greatly aided by the local Theban rulers who united all of Egypt to form the New Kingdom.  It also has temples to Mut, Khonsu, Montu, Ptah, Osiris and several Pharaohs.  One of the great accomplishments of the Egyptian priests was to link all of these local deities into a single consistent theological construct, which allowed everyone to worship their personal god while still supporting the greater overall good. It would be nice if someone would do that in this century.


Karnak Temple

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