Though we may hike during our travels, if you wish to view Gherry's hiking pictures, go to:

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Home, but gone native


We arrived safely home with one last gift, courtesy of Egypt air.  That was a case of the Norwalk virus which managed to peak during my five hour flight home from New York.  But hey, I got to be evacuated off of the airplane by EMTs and ride in an ambulance to the hospital.  It wasn’t as much fun as you might expect.  They wouldn’t use the siren. But I’m okay despite the total lack of care by the medical establishment.



  1. Next time, demand the sirens. Glad you are better! Looks like a fabulous trip!

    PS Even though it says Mark, it's really Kandi. Really.

  2. Boy, they should have used the sirens. I always feel like I am dying when I have a stomach thingy. When I was little I would always look up from the toilet and ask my mom if I was dying.
    Get better soon. Remember, clear liquids and saltine crackers.
    I really enjoyed following your trip. Technology is great.
