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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Torres del Paine


When I told Molly we were going hiking in Torres del Paine, she asked, “Isn’t that Spanish for terror and pain?”. Paine is an Indian word meaning purple and the name translates as purple towers.

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Patagonia is essentially at sea level and consists of what is called the Patagonian Steppes, which looks a lot like eastern Washington.

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There are no trees though occasionally you will find a sheltered gully with some tall bushes.  The shelter is required because of the constant wind.

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But it is beautiful for hiking in

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and filled with streams, waterfalls

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and a hotel that gets my vote for the best located hotel in the world.

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It is surrounded by mountains with interesting climbing possibilities

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glaciers that come down to the lakes

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and ice bergs that come down to your lunch spot.

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We got to enjoy it in some of the best weather that they have had in a hundred years. And Molly had a great time hiking there.


More photos of Torres del Paine

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