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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Cape Horn


I suppose one could question the wisdom of heading out by boat to a monument dedicated to the 10,000 people killed in ship wrecks, but some times your vacation plans make more sense in your living room than in reality. We left Ushuaia and headed out the Murray channel to the Atlantic Ocean.  Just fourteen hours and numerous ups and downs later, we were approaching the island of Cabo de Hornos, (Cape Horn) in 40 knot winds.  Fortunately, we were protected by the island and were able to land.

Cape Horn-6414

We climbed the 160 steps to the bluffs above the ocean and looked back at Tierra del Fuego

Cape Horn-6375

and headed to the monument.  It is dedicated to the men killed in the 800 ship wrecks that have occurred trying to bend the horn. When viewed from the correct angle, it looks like a albatross.

Cape Horn-6407

We reached the monument, looked down at the horn

Cape Horn-6381

stopped at the lighthouse at the end of the world, said a quick prayer in the chapel and headed back to our ship before the winds shifted.

Cape Horn-6392

Photos from Cape Horn

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