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Friday, January 29, 2010

Bazaar Egypt



All of Eygpt is a bazaar.  If you do not come home with mementos, it is not a fault of the Egyptians.  They give you every opportunity to purchase gifts.  The spread their wears out on the deck during a felucca ride, they follow you back to the bus yelling Obamma Obamma, and they tell you what pretty eyes you have.  All towns have a bazaar and there will not be a Starbucks or Cinnabon to be found.  Wish I could say the same for KFC.  They seem to be everywhere.  I saw a man who pressed clothes by standing on a iron and spraying water from his mouth over the cloth.  I have been buying fresh spices from the markets in Seattle, but the cumin here is more complex and  better than any I have ever purchased.  There is cheap bread for the poor in racks along the alleys.  I would buy more, but haggling over price is only fun once, but the price drop on goods is pretty dramatic as you head towards the bus.  One carved Onyx statues that was 75 dollars at the start of a trip down the bazaar was five dollars by the time we reached the bus.  Unfortunately all of the handicrafts appear to be made in China.

Photos of the Bazaar

1 comment:

  1. The pictures of the bazaar are wonderful. This first picture is of spices, right? What is the royal blue one? And the beads! Is Molly's suitcase going to be really heavy when she comes home? Or maybe yours.
    The desert is very hypnotic. It's like my brain wants to go there and de-stress. But that cruise looks pretty nice too.
    Found a cousin on fb that I haven't seen in twenty years. Or longer.
    Talked to Kandi. She didn't know you guys had a blog. Seems she hasn't been on the computer in awhile. She needs to get her priorities in order. Our neighbor has been pressure washing his roof for two days. I'm about ready to strangle someone.
